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Light Up Image On Hover

Take a look at When you hover over their logo, the image lights up. Is this effect doable without using a different image on hover? My first idea was

Solution 1:

You may be able to use the css image filters, like this:

img:hover {-webkit-filter: brightness(150%); }

This sometimes looks funny and will only work in webkit browsers, but it's the best solution I could think of. It'll allow you to keep your blue background as well.

Here's a jsfiddle showing the Kickstarter logo on a blue background.


Solution 2:

As far as I am aware you can't do what you require with pure CSS at this point, due to the blue background. I think your best bet is edit the image in photoshop to be its :hover brightness, and then use something like:

img { 
  opacity: 0.7; 

img:hover { 
  opacity: 1; 

Changing the opacity on hover will work:

img:hover {
   opacity: 0.5;


Solution 3:

The original CSS has:

img:hover {
    filter: alpha(opacity=80);
    opacity: .8;


Solution 4:

You have a few choices depending on what browsers you need to support. You could make the logo a background image and then change the image on hover. (or sprite the image so that you don't get a flicker)

Or you could try a combination of CSS opacity and microsoft filters for older versions of IE.

Since you mention you have a dark background you can try some of the new CSS filters (saturation, brightness etc) but you're out of luck for IE.

Solution 5:

You could use this CSS code which makes lighting up a smoother transition than just instantly bright. and also use this same css or one similar to it on their frontpage featured sections. I could not get CSS to post on here since stackoverflow kept giving me errors so I put it in a pastie.

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