Foreach Php Function Inside Html Select Options
Solution 1:
It will obviously echo the key, as you assigned the value of options as $key
if you need the options in the $_POST['pty_select']
use this:
<selectname="pty_select" ><?phpforeach($results_arrayas$key => $value){ ?><optionvalue="<?phpecho$value['profile'];?>"><?phpecho$value['profile']; ?></option><?php } ?></select>
Solution 2:
You mean you need the value what you have used to display it. Then, Change to :
<optionvalue="<?phpecho$value['profile']; ?>"><?phpecho$value['profile']; ?></option>
Solution 3:
And now let's go to ideal world :)
Build data pairs database_id => name
for options:
$q = "SELECT, pty.pty_profile_name AS profile FROM pty, users
WHERE users.username = 'testaccount'";
$r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
$values = array();
while($r = mysqli_fetch_row($r)) {
$values[$r[0]] = $r[1];
Never use @
when working with database, why do you want to suppress errors instead of preventing/handling them?
Now you have real database IDs and respective values (in general, using unique IDs are better... if nothing else they have greater entropy - more efficient search). And sice displaying select box is really common in webs, lets:
functionselectbox($values = array(), $attributes = array(), $selected_value = null)
// Headerecho'<select';
foreach( $attributesas$key => $val){
echo' ' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '="' . htmlspecialchars( $val) . '"';
// Valuesforeach( $valuesas$key => $val){
echo'<option value="' . htmlspecialchars( $key) .'"';
if( $key === $selected_value){
echo' selected="selected"';
echo'>' . htmlspecialchars( $val) . '</option>';
And now usage :)
<formmethod="post"action="foreach2.php"><labelfor="Property Select"class="title">Select Property</label><?php selectbox( $values, array( 'name' => 'pty_select')); ?><inputtype="submit"name="Submit" /></form>
And what to do with it then?
$id = (int)(isset( $_POST['pty_select']) ? $_POST['pty_select'] : 0);
$name = null;
if( $id && isset( $values[$id])){
$name = $values[$id];
Solution 4:
<optionvalue="<?phpecho$value['profile']; ?>"><?phpecho$value['profile']; ?></option>
instead of
<optionvalue="<?phpecho$key; ?>"><?phpecho$value['profile']; ?></option>
Solution 5:
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
echo"<pre>"; echo ($_POST['pty_select']); echo"</pre>"; } ?>
Change it to something like
if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
Or alternatively use profile option value.
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