Ie8/firefox Behavioral Difference
I'm working on login page written as a JSP. It's pretty simple but behaves differently in IE8 and Firefox (big surprise there). I have not tested this is other browsers yet. I coul
Solution 1:
What if you put the check in onfocus instead of onclick? Tabbing to a field technically isn't a click anyways.
Solution 2:
Since the lost focus seems to happen every 6000 milliseconds, I'd point the blame somewhere at expandone()/contractall() in /js/qm_scripts.js.
Your login form is in the "dropmsg0" div, causing it to be briefly hidden and redisplayed every 6 seconds. The textboxes lose focus in IE8 when hidden. I'd either rename the div to exclude if from the ticker, or modify the ticker script to not run when there's only one dropmsg div.
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