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Is There A Way To Send Data From Diffrent Forms At The Same Time With Only 1 Submit Button?

This is my body i want to submit more than 1 data from diffrent forms at the same time with the same button is it possible in php? i want first form send the selected one second fo

Solution 1:

If you're using jQuery...

First, give your forms and submit button some IDs (I used #form1, #form2, and #submit). Then...

Edit: Here's a non-AJAX solution that takes advantage of the fact that the forms post to the same URL.

When the submit button is clicked, move/append the text input $(input[name=baslik]) to the second form and then submit it. This solution doesn't need the jQuery Form plugin and doesn't use AJAX:

$("#form2").submit(function() {

Original, AJAX solution:

If you want AJAX, you can use the jQuery Form Plugin.

$(document).ready(function() { 
    $('#form1, #form2').ajaxForm(function() { 
        // optionally do stuff here after forms submitted

    $('#submit').click(function() {
        $('#form1, #form2').ajaxSubmit();

You can't use jQuery's $(form).serialize() because it does not work on file fields. This solution also assumes you want to use AJAX.

Solution 2:

One option would be forcing javascript being used: launch a javascript handler that collects the values, submits a ajax request, or even writes a form and submits it.

Jquery can easily be used to to loop through all form values.

So something like:

$("#first_form").submit(function() {
    //collect all values here
    first_form_data = $("#first_form").serialize();
    second_form_data = $("#second_form").serialize();

         url: ..,
         data: first_form_data + "&" + second_form_data,
         success: function(data) {


    //let’s not submit the formreturnfalse;

Solution 3:


remove the input that submits, and add a link outside every form with the javascript that submits all: (also add an ID to everyform, so you can call them via this javascript)

function submitAll(){

EDIT: this doesn't work, the only way is via AJAX, please check @Phil's answer!

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