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How To Make Nokogiri Transparently Return Un/encoded Html Entities Untouched?

How can I use Nokogiri with having html entities (like German umlauts) untouched? I.e.: # this is fine node = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment('


') node.to_s # =

Solution 1:

Ok, my question has been answered by Aaron via twitter/gist:


doc =
doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'# We added a contextual fragment method for the 1.4.2 release. This *might*# work in 1.4.1. If you want to mess with 1.4.2, build from my github, or# grab one of our nightly builds:## $ sudo gem install nokogiri -s Also, libxml2 had a bug with encoding when handling UTF-8 fragments, so I# suggest you also upgrade to libxml2 2.7.7.## Hope that helps!
puts doc.fragment('<p>ö</p>')

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